Just know that you are a diamond - you are pure . . . You are very precious. . . . Sometimes a diamond may have fallen into the garbage bin.Down in the dumps , you are feeling low. . . . Full of guilt . . . and probably ideas of sin etc. But know that you are much . . . much bigger than your actions, much bigger than your situations and circumstances . . .
For the diamond to become clear again - it just needs a little water - that's all ! Then it shines brightly again. You are already pure and clean - just a little wash . . . practice . . meditation . . .contemplation . . B2B . . and you're back to your true self, your unbounded nature.
Have that sense of purity - and celebrate ! You don't need a reason to celebrate - joy and happiness is your very nature. When you are clear and pure - your true nature shines forth ! Celebration happens just like that . . .